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of jefferson

Sermon series
Pastor kevin Phillips

Pastor Kevin Phillips and his wife Brenda along with their three children (Daniel, Emma and Lila) live in downtown Jefferson. Kevin is a graduate of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (MAR), Moody Theological Seminary (MDiv) and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (ThM). Kevin has also served in various pastoral roles during his time in Wisconsin, Illinois and now Ohio. Kevin’s great passion is for the gospel of Jesus Christ to be a transforming power on people’s hearts, who then transform their communities and ultimately the world. Kevin enjoys reading and has been blessed through the influential writings of John Stott, Tim Keller, D.A. Carson and Mark Dever. In his spare time, Kevin enjoys golf, pickleball, skeet shooting and college wrestling.
9:30 A.M. Sunday School for kids and adults
10:45 A.M. Worship Service in Sanctuary
(You can also listen live on 106.7 FM or watch on Facebook)
AWANA begins Wednesdays 4pm to 6pm
Open gym at 4pm and dinner at 5:30pm
contact registration at fbcawanajeffersonoh@gmail.com